Welcome to what I hope will be my journey to Cisco Certification. As an I.T. professional, it is getting harder and harder to advance in the corporate world without some kind of specialization and certifications in that area of specialization can be a helpful addition on the old resume to catch the eye of whatever recruiter happens to be glancing at it. But with sooo many certs out there in the world, how do you know what ones are worth having and what are just a waste of time?
Well, throughout the years, it seems like Cisco has been pretty consistent in remaining one of the top certifications to have, with their equipment being the defacto standard for pretty much any enterprise level setup, so I figured I might as well go for it.
However, it's been quite a while since I was in school, and the idea of sitting down and studying again is not exactly appealing. Getting the motivation to actually go through the whole process of learning all this stuff and then completing the exam(s) has been an uphill battle for me. There always seems to be something else I'd rather be doing. So I figured that maybe if I wrote a blog about my experience, detailing the path I take to get from start to finish, it might help keep me on track, and who knows, might even be helpful for someone else out there.
So this blog is my attempt at getting my Cisco certifications (CCNA to start and then see where it all leads).
I will detail the items I use (hardware, software, learning tools...) and my experience with it all and hopefully some day soon, I will pass my exam and reach that next level of technical expertise that will give me not only a sense of accomplishment but also a fat paycheque :-)
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